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John Larrimer
Sep 20, 20172 min read
Is Employee Safety Good for Businesses?
The business world can be both fierce and competitive. This type of environment can lead to risky behavior on the part of supervisors and...
John Larrimer
Jan 4, 20172 min read
Why Should You Hire an Attorney for a Workers Comp Claim?
The workers comp claim process is not an easy process. Injured workers are put at a disadvantage because workers comp laws in Ohio are...
John Larrimer
Dec 28, 20161 min read
Can Work Injuries Develop Over Time?
Some workplace injuries can develop over a period of years or decades. Health conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome can take years to...
John Larrimer
Jul 11, 20162 min read
Can I Receive Workers’ Compensation for Anxiety or Depression?
The Supreme Court of Ohio formally acknowledged that “participating in the workforce in, and of itself, is a stressful activity” in 1986....
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